Jan 21, 2019
Signal-Tech gives back to the community with a donation to the Veterans Miracle Center Erie (VMCE). Each year Signal-Tech employees collect donations during the year with the intent of donating them to a local charitable organization that has made a difference in the community. This year, at the Signal-Tech Christmas party, employees had the privilege of presenting John Kowalczyk and Chuck Turner from VMCE with a check for $4,373.
The VMCE is dedicated to making miracles happen every day for veterans and their families in Erie, Venango, and Crawford Counties of Northwestern Pennsylvania. Their mission is to provide clothing, hygiene products, housewares and more to homeless, at risk or low income vets, all free of charge. Over the past four years, they have served more than 800 families providing the basic necessities, but most importantly, hope and a caring heart.
Freedom is never free, it is only possible through the sacrifice and service of our veterans. Signal-Tech is privileged to give back to the Veterans Miracle Center Erie.